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R&D (FilterCavity)
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NaokiAritomi - 22:30, Wednesday 06 November 2019 (1805)Get code to link to this report
Frequency dependent squeezing at 50 kHz and 500 Hz

[Aritomi, Yuhang, Yaochin]

First we checked IR mode matching again. Mode matching is 92% as follows.

Mode IR transmission
TEM00 365
yaw 112
pitch 98
offset 94

Then we measured frequency dependent squeezing around 50 kHz and 500 Hz (Pic. 1,2). CC2 demodulation phase is 75 deg for squeezing and 110 deg for anti squeezing. During this measurement, turbo pump was off and locking accuracy should be 3.1 Hz which corresponds to 3.3 pm (entry 1797). Pic. 3 shows squeezing degradation budget with current parameters.

Squeezing level inside filter cavity with 50 kHz detuning may be better due to better alignment. For FDS spectrum with 500 Hz detuning, we could observe squeezing angle rotation, but there is large phase noise below 100 Hz.

Images attached to this report
1805_20191106142950_fds50k20191106.png 1805_20191106142957_fds50020191106.png 1805_20191106143008_degradation20191106.png