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EleonoraCapocasa - 00:20, Saturday 09 November 2019 (1827)Get code to link to this report
CC2 correction signal in reflection from INPUT mirror

I attach a video of CC2 loop correction signal when squeezing is reflected by Input mirror.

It seems that the high frequency oscillation (from suspension pitch, due to beam miscentering on suspendend optic?) are not large enough to saturate the actuator, but probably 1 Hz pendulum motion does.

Would an increase of a factor 3 in piezo correction that we could gain by exploiting the whole piezo dynamic be enough to avoid CC2 unlock?

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MatteoBarsuglia - 18:08, Monday 11 November 2019 (1834)

Why the correction saturates when it becomes negative and not when it becomes positive? 

MatteoLeonardi - 21:21, Monday 11 November 2019 (1836)
It saturates also on the +V side (see attached picture, red circle). The only difference is that for some reason, which I cannot explain, it rails more often to the -V.