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SatoshiTanioka - 10:42, Friday 15 November 2019 (1845)Get code to link to this report
2nd Vacuum Test

[Takahashi-san, Tanioka]

Takahashi-san kindly installed the another roughing pump yesterday.
We turned it on this morning.
After several minutes, the pressure became below 10 Pa.
Then we turned on the turbo pump.
Now the two pumps are working and I plan to leave the pumps running for a while.

Comments related to this report
SatoshiTanioka - 17:23, Friday 15 November 2019 (1846)

I stopped the pumps around 16:00.
At that time, the pressure was 1.9*10-3 Pa.

After stopping the pumps, the pressure level increased gradually.
In this time, I did not record the pressure.
I wiil do the vacuum test one more time and take the data.