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NaokiAritomi - 19:22, Monday 23 December 2019 (1955)Get code to link to this report
CCFC error signal on 20191223

First I increased green power from 40mW to 50mW. Carrier and CC resonance frequency is as follows. CC PLL frequency is same as last week.

  AOM frequency (MHz)
carrier 109.035827
CC 109.035977

CCFC error signal when AOM is scanned around CC resonance is shown in Pic. 1 channel 2. It is different from the error signal last week and seems very noisy. I also measured spectrum of CCFC error signal when CC is locked on resonance (Pic. 2). There is a very strong 113Hz peak in CCFC error signal.

Images attached to this report
1955_20191223112527_img8155.jpg 1955_20191223112536_cc320191223.png
Comments related to this report
EleonoraCapocasa - 06:57, Tuesday 24 December 2019 (1956)

113 Hz is the frequency of the line sent to the rampeauto perturb channel to test LO alignemnt with the technique proposed by Raffaele. I guess we forgot to switch it off last friday. 

I connected remotely and switched it off now. Sorry for the inconvenience!