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EleonoraCapocasa - 14:44, Tuesday 21 January 2020 (1979)Get code to link to this report
DGS disk for data storage is full: some data have been delated

[Shoda, Eleonora]

Yesterday we found that dataviewer and diaggui were not working properly. In particular, diaggui was showing the error: "Unable to obtain measurement data"

With the help of Shoda-san, we ssh into the standalone, check the disk status and discovered that the disk for data storage was full.

We deleted some of the old data stretch and the system started to work again.

We should delete the data stored in /frames/trend/second

Here some useful commands:

df                                                # to check the disk status

ls -l                                             # to check the data folder with information on dates when they were acquired

du -h --max-depth=1              # to check files size

rm -r (number of the folder)       # to remove the data stretch in the selected folder

Command example:

ssh standalone

cd /frames/trend/second

ls -l (or ls -la to show hidden files)

rm -r (number of the folder)