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NaokiAritomi - 12:49, Tuesday 10 November 2020 (2269)Get code to link to this report
SHG cavity scan

I measured SHG cavity scan to check finesse of SHG (Pic. 1,2). The fitting result doesn't match the measured data very well possibly due to the non symmetric peak shape. From the fitting, I obtained SHG finesse of 43, but this is not consistent with design value of 72. 

Images attached to this report
2269_20201110044918_shgcavityscan1.png 2269_20201110044924_shgcavityscan2.png
Comments related to this report
NaokiAritomi - 21:13, Monday 16 November 2020 (2277)

I measured SHG cavity scan again. This time, I put SHG temperature 2.8kOhm to avoid green conversion while nominal temperature is 3.1kOhm. Peak shape is still not completely symmetric possibly due to high IR injection power, but measured finesse is 70 which is reasonable value.