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YuhangZhao - 09:51, Wednesday 27 January 2021 (2350)Get code to link to this report
FDS measurement with AA, Zcorr, pointing and CCFC

Michael and Yuhang

Yesterday, we locked AA, Zcorr, pointing and CCFC and performed a FDS measurment. The lock last for almost one hour. 6 measurements were performed during this time (with a separation of almost 10min).

The result is shown in the attached figure 1.

Within this 1 hour, all measurements overlap very well. Even the low frequency back scattering seems to be more stable.

(50:50 BS was used for CCSB pick-off. 30mW pump power is used for SQZ production.The detuning was expected to be 104Hz according to elog2353.)

(Figure 2 shows a FDS measurement of detuning smaller than 100Hz, it seems backscattering makes FDS not reaching shot noise level. This is also why we took several measurement with higher detuning.)

(Figure 3 shows a fit for higher detuning. Since the detected detuning is 145Hz, we expect all the frequencies to be increased by 40Hz in elog2353. )

Images attached to this report
2350_20210127015040_fdsall.png 2350_20210127041945_fdssmalldetuning.png 2350_20210128024430_fit.png