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MarcEisenmann - 20:39, Tuesday 09 March 2021 (2391)Get code to link to this report
realignment and beams profile measurement

Marc, Matteo

Last Friday I flipped the surface reference sample and tried to further tweak the alignment without much improvement.

Yesterday, we decided to measure the beams profile.

Unfortunately the automated LabView program had some error and we had to do measurement one step at a time...

I installed first the razorblade vertically (2 cm in front of the last hole of the translation stage toward the imaging unit) and scanned both the red and IR beams on the Y/Z axis.

[Note that connecting the DC output of the powermeter went smoothly despite troubles to read the powermeter through the other cable]

Then I turned the razorblade horizontally (54mm above the translation stage) and scanned both the red and IR beams on the X/Z axis.

Actually the razorblade cut the beam not on the razor edge... meaning that we have to take into account the 28mm width of the blade.

I finished to write some MATLAB code to automatically extract all measurement data from yesterday, fit them using a program wrote by Manuel.

But It is still needed to check the screenshots 1 by 1..