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YuhangZhao - 11:30, Monday 29 March 2021 (2424)Get code to link to this report
IRMC misalignment with different offset given to phase shifter

Michael and Yuhang

When IR phase shifter (IRPS) is driven, an obvious misalignment could be found in the IRMC scanning spectrum. In this elog, we report the detail of misalignment when IRPS is given different level of high voltage.

Experimental setup: IRMC is scanned to have two TEM00 peaks within one slope of ramp signal. The IRPS is located before IRMC and given an 75V high voltage at the beginning. We changed the high voltage level and took scanning spectrum accordingly. The measurements were done with the following high voltage

High voltage 


75V (zoom in)

65V (zoom in)

55V (zoom in)

45V (zoom in)

35V (zoom in)

25V (zoom in)

15V (zoom in)

5V (zoom in)

We got scanning spectrum as attached figure 1. It is clear from figure 1 that almost only TEM01 mode appears after IRPS is given different high voltage.

According to the peak values in figure 1, we extract the percentage of power goes to TEM01 as figure 2.

Images attached to this report
2424_20210329043046_spectrums.png 2424_20210329043051_figure1.png