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MichaelPage - 15:32, Friday 09 April 2021 (2439)Get code to link to this report
OPO replacement - ATC cleanroom setup

I checked some optics in the ATC cleanroom to prepare for the construction of the new OPO.

We can use the Faraday isolator Thorlabs IO-5-1064-VLP - aperture 5mm diameter, 9cm length, maximum power 1.7 W, 25 W/cm^2 (blocking), 100 W/cm^2 (transmission).

Using an f = 100 mm lens placed as shown in figure 1, we can maintain the beam waist below 1mm diameter over a distance of [distance] from the 100mm lens, so it is sufficient to use for the FI.

I did a rough estimate (figure 2) and measurement (figure 3) of the beam size to make sure. We can maintain < 1mm beam diameter to about 35cm from where I placed the lens.

Yuhang also checked the Mokulab and Anritsu 8.4 GHz signal generators present in the ATC workshop near the cryogenic cavity experiment, and we cleaned and moved them into the cleanroom.
Images attached to this report
2439_20210409082032_atcfisetup2.png 2439_20210409083312_gaussianbeamfisetup.png 2439_20210409083318_atclaserfit.jpg