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NAOJ GW Elog Logbook
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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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MarcEisenmann - 13:03, Saturday 01 May 2021 (2480)Get code to link to this report
bulk calibration and tama size KASI sample measurement started

Abe, Aritomi, Marc

Yesterday we removed the shinkosha evaluation plate and its holder from the translation stage.

We installed back the bulk reference sample and got R_bulk ~0.773 W/cm with

AC_bulkref = 0.0555 V;
DC_bulkref = 4.103 V;
P_in = 24.2e-3 W;
P_t = 11.7e-3 W;
abs_bulkref = 1.04;

Then, we brought the KASI sample inside the clean room and cleaned it with alcool while checking with the green light.

With this sample, the IU is now at z=43.1mm and the mirror centers are :

X_center = 327.5 mm

Y_center = 122.95 mm

Z_center = 62.5 mm (we had to increase the laser power to more than 1 W (~3W) to clearly see the phase change at the sample surfaces)

We added new X limit (lower vertical) on Zaber and started a circular map at Z_center with 2 cm radius.

Our initial guess of the absorption is abs~78 ppm/cm given by

AC = 2.3e-4 V;
DC = 4.242 V;
P_in = 3.24 W;
P_t = 2.77 W;
T_sample = P_t/P_in;
R_bulk = 0.7730 W/cm;

abs = AC/(DC*P_in*sqrt(T_sample)*R_bulk)*1e6*mat_correction