NAOJ GW Elog Logbook 3.2

Marc, Michael, Yuhang
Yesterday we started characterizaton of the fds degradation budget,
First we checked the propagation losses by measuring the BAB power at various places on the bench :
after the waveplate just after the OPO : 462 uW
before homodyne : 369 uW
The ratio of these powers gives an overall propagation loss of 19.3%. This value is compatible with previous measurements.
We also compared at the edge of the bench before injection ( P=437 uW ) and just after reflection (P=374 uW ). This ratio gives the in vacuum propagation loss as 14.4%. Note that the BAB was not resonating inside the FC for this measurement.
We checked at the edge of the bench in reflection ( P = 368 uW) and just before homodyne ( P = 363 uW ). This gives losses on this part of 1.4%. There is only 5 optical components there and better quality ones are already bought.
We also checked the power after the waveplate after the OPO ( P = 462 uW ) and just before injection at the edge of the bench ( P = 446uW). This gives 3.5% of losses.
We locked the FC with green and tuned the AOM frequency around the various resonances of BAB.
We placed a photodiode just before the one used for CCFC in order to get a larger gain.
TEM00 was scan with AOM speed 60mHz and deviation 6kHz while TEM01/10 and LG01 were scanned with same speed and deviation 600Hz. Taking into account these factors we can calibrate these signals with calibration = 2*deviation / (1 / (2/speed)) = 2 * 2 *speed * deviation where the first '2' comes from green to IR conversion and second one to get the half-period of AOM scan.
In figure 1 you can see these 3 scans.
The mode-matching was estimated by computing the area under each curve after removing the offset (90 counts).
It gives 4.1% misalignment and 1.3% mode-mismatch and overall value of 5.4%
We did as reported in the RTL estimation paper (namely switch on/off resonance of BAB).
We got the results attached in figure 2.
In addition to the mode-matching, we also assumed 8% of RF sidebands power and 1% lost due to laser fluctuations.
It gives round-trip losse of 116 ppm in good agreement with previous estimation.
The mode-mismatch was slightly over estimated as I divided by tem00 power and not total one...
The corrected values are : misalignment = 3.9%, mode-mismatch = 1.2% and total 5.3%.