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DaisukeTatsumi - 17:01, Wednesday 15 June 2016 (253)Get code to link to this report
TAMA mirror installations were postponed.

(1) South end room / mirror installation

Because a stand-off came off the mirror, we postponed the installation to Thursday.

(2) South end room / Coil

Tatsumi has 20 of coils with bobin.

Pin connectors should be swaged to the coil wires. Takahashi-san has a swage tool and pins.

Tatsumi will make swage works tomorrow.

The pins will be connected to BNC connectors. Tatsumi cannot find the connector.

Takahashi-san will look for at KAGRA site in next week.

Coil support plates are also not found. We hope to find these at KAGRA.

(3) PR tank at center room

Stand-off for this mirror is also troubled. We will install the mirror on Friday.

We found that one pico-motor is missing for the suspension.

Takahashi-san installed the motor today.

(4) BS mirror

We checked BS mirror with opening the vacuum tank.

We found that all of four magnets came off the mirror. 

Glueing jig for TAMA BS is at KAGRA site. Takahashi-san will send it back in next week.

And then we need the glueing and installation work.


Manuel will upload some pictures. 

Comments related to this report
ManuelMarchio - 10:45, Monday 20 June 2016 (256)

I add some pictures of  tama PR and tama BS.

First picture (tamabs1.jpg) shows that three magnets are clearly absent, but regarding the bottom left one, it's not clear: maybe is still attached, or maybe it is lying in the inner plastic part of the coil.

ManuelMarchio - 18:18, Sunday 19 June 2016 (257)

I add some pictures of  tama PR and tama BS.

First picture (tamabs1.jpg) shows that three magnets are clearly absent, but regarding the bottom left one, it's not clear: maybe is still attached, or maybe it is lying in the inner plastic part of the coil.