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NAOJ GW Elog Logbook
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R&D (FilterCavity)
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MarcEisenmann - 10:08, Tuesday 01 June 2021 (2545)Get code to link to this report
AA INPUT YAW transfer function

All AA filters are 'DC_damp2' with an additional gain of 0.002 for yaw and 0.005 for pitch.

I plotted as an example in the figure 1 both OLTF and filter of AA input yaw. But similar results for all other dofs.

The right  column shows the product of the OMTF with the associated filter.

It can be seen that the gain never reach 1.... This might be due to poor coherence during the measurement (even if it is not possible to drastically increase the excitation while keeping the FC locked).

Another possibility to do this measurement could be to estimate Type-C suspension TF from simulation and use a single line excitation to estimate the WFS gain.

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