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NaokiAritomi - 15:27, Friday 11 June 2021 (2568)Get code to link to this report
Comment to FDS with CCFC around optimal detuning (Click here to view original report: 2556)

I analyzed again with correct shot noise level (-133.7dBVrms/rtHz) and 12% loss from visibility. The readout loss includes 12% loss from visibility, 2% loss from homodyne (dark noise, quantum efficiency, AR), and 20% loss from pick off BS.

sqz_dB = 11.8;                  % produced SQZ (dB)

L_rt = 120e-6;                  % FC losses

L_inj = 0.32;                   % Injection losses

L_ro = 0.31;                    % Readout losses

A0 = 0.05;                      % Squeezer/filter cavity mode mismatch

C0 = 0.06;                      % Squeezer/local oscillator mode mismatch

ERR_L =   1e-12;                % Lock accuracy (m)

ERR_csi = 30e-3;                % Phase noise (rad)

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