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YuhangZhao - 14:26, Thursday 15 July 2021 (2620)Get code to link to this report
A comparison of fitting FDS from our published result

Michael and Yuhang

In this elog, we compare the published FDS fit result and the new mcmc method we are using.

  least square detuning (Hz) mcmc detuning (Hz)
data1 42.6 46
data2 69.2 69
data3 62.2 60
data4 60.4 66
data5 67.9 64
data6 71.4 71
Images attached to this report
2620_20210715072707_fds.png 2620_20210715072714_figure2.png
Comments related to this report
YuhangZhao - 15:18, Monday 19 July 2021 (2628)

The mcmc fit result of four parameters from published FDS data

  sqz (dB) loss (%) phi (deg) det (Hz)
1 8.3 +0.5/-0.3 34.1 +1.0/-0.8 0.1 +0.4/-0.5 46.3 +1.8/-2.1
2 8.2 +0.5/-0.5 36.0 +1.5/-1.9 14.7 +0.9/-0.8 68.7 +2.7/-2.6
3 8.9 +0.1/-0.2 34.4 +0.5/-0.3 26.0 +0.4/-0.3 59.8 +0.9/-0.7
4 7.8 +0.4/-0.3 40.1 +0.7/-1.3 43.3 +1.8/-2.1 66.0 +2.4/-2.9
5 8.9 +0.1/-0.1 34.2 +1.9/-0.9 55.4 +1.7/-1.0 63.6 +1.9/-1.2
6 8.6 +0.2/-0.2 36.7 +2.9/-2.5 91.6 +1.8/-2.0 70.9 +1.6/-1.9