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NAOJ GW Elog Logbook
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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 14:29, Wednesday 29 June 2016 (263)Get code to link to this report
Calculation of the Probe beam size along the path trough different samples

I calculated the beam size of the probe beam using OSCAR.

I used the distances I measured and summarized in the first drawing.

The plots show the beam waist along the optical path, cyan area is the sample, vertical lines are the optical component of the experiment, black line is a mirror, cyan line is the f=50mm lens, orange line is the small sphere f=1.25mm

The last image is a comparison of the beam spot size at the PD position with the PD size in the 3 cases.

Images attached to this report
263_20160629060706_drawing1.png 263_20160629072656_smallbeamsizedetunit.png 263_20160629072710_tamabeamsizedetunit.png 263_20160629072725_kagrabeamsizedetunit.png 263_20160629072742_screenshotfrom20160629142551.png