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R&D (FilterCavity)
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NaokiAritomi - 23:45, Tuesday 20 July 2021 (2633)Get code to link to this report
CCFC on 20210720

First I optimized the p pol PLL frequency to maximize the amplitude of CCFC error signal. The optimized p pol PLL frequency was 200 MHz for OPO temperature of 7.163 kOhm and the CCFC calibration amplitude was 134mVpp.

Then I checked the nonlinear gain. The nonlinear gain was 4.4, which corresponds to the generated squeezing of 10.1dB.

green power (mW) 0 20
p pol PLL frequency (MHz) 260 200
OPO temperature (kOhm) 7.163 7.163
BAB maximum (mV) 55.6 245
nonlinear gain 1 4.4

I used a red LEMO cable between DDS output and mixer for CCFC LO to have larger detuning. The figure 1 shows CCFC FDS. The 50Hz bump somehow disappeared today. The detuning fluctuation is 51-69Hz. Note that the detuning fluctuation is not bad (51-57 Hz) other than the anti-squeezing quadrature.

I found that the 50Hz and its harmonics are already very large in shot noise (figure 2). The DC balance or ground condition is not good?

Degradation parameters:

sqz_dB = 10.1;                 % generated squeezing (dB)

L_rt = 120e-6;                 % FC losses

L = 0.49;                      % Propagation losses

A0 = 0.06;                     % Squeezer/filter cavity mode mismatch

C0 = 0.02;                     % Squeezer/local oscillator mode mismatch

ERR_L =   1.5e-12;             % Lock accuracy (m)

ERR_csi = 30e-3;               % Phase noise (rad)

Images attached to this report
2633_20210720164518_ccfcfds20210720.png 2633_20210720173455_shot20210720.png
Comments related to this report
NaokiAritomi - 19:36, Thursday 29 July 2021 (2644)

Yuhang and Michael fitted this data with mcmc. The detuning fluctuation with mcmc is 8 Hz. The fit has been started from 60 Hz.

Left: mcmc (detuning: 59-67 Hz)

Right: least square (detuning: 51-69 Hz)

The following table shows the result of mcmc. The generated squeezing with mcmc is 9.0-10.2 dB, which correponds to the nonlinear gain of 3.6-4.5. This fluctuation seems too large.

detuning (Hz) homodyne angle (deg) generated squeezing (dB) loss (%)
58.7 +1.6/-2.5 -2.7 +0.5/-0.5  9.6 +0.3/-0.2 51.9 +0.8/-0.8
63.8 +0.5/-0.5 21.5 +0.1/-0.1 9.0 +0.05/-0.02 53.9 +0.1/-0.1
62.4 +0.7/-0.9 36.3 +0.3/-0.7 9.1 +0.1/-0.1 53.8 +0.2/-0.3
62.4 +1.4/-1.7 58.0 +1.3/-1.6 9.1 +0.2/-0.1 48.8 +1.6/-1.9
67.5 +1.4/-1.4 98.5 +1.5/-1.5 10.2 +0.2/-0.3 50.5 +2.5/-3.8
YuhangZhao - 14:20, Wednesday 04 August 2021 (2651)

I am very sorry that I sent a wrong information to Aritomi-san.

The optical losses information Aritomi-san listed is actually detuning in Hz. (If you compare this 'wrong' losses with detuning in legend of mcmc figure, you can see they are the same)

The real optical losses are attached in this comment. They change from 49% to 54%.