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R&D (FilterCavity)
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YuhangZhao - 15:08, Friday 19 November 2021 (2742)Get code to link to this report
Broken camera driver and pico-motor driver channel found during TAMA blackout recovery

Michael and Yuhang

Yesterday, we finally aligned back filter cavity. During the recovery phase, we found the camera driver used for intra-arm second target is broken. We replaced it with a driver labelled with 'PRM surface'.(fig1,2,3)

We also found the motor C of END mirror picomotor is broken. This motor was used for adjusting END mirror pitch (fig.4). But we can use the motor B for pitch temporarily since these motors are just used for sending signals with particular IP address (fig.5). The signal to be sent to picomotor is decided by ourselves from LABVIEW.

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Comments related to this report
NaokiAritomi - 19:12, Thursday 20 January 2022 (2797)

I connected the END YAW to the motor A of driver although I don't know the motor A is working or not.

NaokiAritomi - 19:18, Tuesday 15 February 2022 (2843)

I tried to move END YAW with motor A, but it didn't move. Maybe the motor A is also broken.