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NAOJ GW Elog Logbook
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KAGRA MIR (Polarization)
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MarcEisenmann - 21:12, Monday 13 December 2021 (2755)Get code to link to this report
spare ETMY birefringence

Abe, Katsuki, Marc

This entry reports the birefringence measurements of spare ETMY without roll rotation (ie with the 2 ears flats).

delta_n and theta seems quite consistent over all measurements.

Images attached to this report
2755_20211213130130_pol0deg.png 2755_20211213130137_pol15deg.png 2755_20211213130146_pol29deg.png 2755_20211213130159_pol46deg.png 2755_20211213130209_plot60deg.png 2755_20211213131118_pol75deg.png 2755_20211213131125_s0.png 2755_20211213131133_s1.png 2755_20211213131142_dntheta.png 2755_20211213131149_dn.png 2755_20211213131156_theta.png