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NAOJ GW Elog Logbook
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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 17:33, Tuesday 26 July 2016 (281)Get code to link to this report
Measurement analysis

I analyzed data of the two last measurements (entry 279), I made groups of 600 samples (1 minute) and I made the histogram for each group and the gaussian fit of the histograms.

I plot the fitted parameters of X/DC signal and Y/DC signal as a function of time (for each minute).

In blue the 0W pump data; in red the 9W pump data.

The thick line is the mean, the dashed lines are the mean ± sigma.

Images attached to this report
281_20160726103217_20160720min.png 281_20160823144720_20160721min.png