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YuhangZhao - 22:30, Thursday 10 February 2022 (2836)Get code to link to this report
Automatic suspension health check script for TAMA filter cavity

Ushiba-san(remote), Yuhang

With the help of Ushiba-san, I set up an automatic suspension health check script for TAMA filter cavity.

This work is motivated by the recent discovery of mirror magnets falling down issue. We suspected the coils for BS/input/end mirrors reported in elog271228002812. The earthquake happened on 2021/10/07. Afterwards, we checked oplev spectrum, which helps us to check if there are touching problem. However, we haven't checked whether we have coil falling down. The strange behavior of mirror driving was found much later. Therefore, we conclude that we should check both oplev spectrum and transfer function.

Checking oplev spectrum takes about two minutes. But checking the response of each coil would take one hour, which requires opening diaggui many times and clicking buttons. So we would need to have an automatic measurement of these TFs.

The place of the suspension check shell code is at /home/controls/Desktop/TAMA_VIS/check_after_earthquake. The transfer function is in this directory as well. To confirm if the code I copied works well, I took a measurement of transfer function beforehand as Fig.1. This test is done for PR coil H1. A reference is saved with H1 in function. And a measurement with H1 input signal blocked is in Fig.1 as well, which shows noisy and smaller TF and almost no coherence.

Before taking an automatic measurement, I unblocked signal to H1. Then I cd to the directory where we have the shell code (cd /home/controls/Desktop/TAMA_VIS/check_after_earthquake). Next step is to run ./test.sh . Finally, we can get output at command window as Fig.2. Opening diaggui and checking PR coil H1 TF show a measurement result as Fig.3. We can see it is different from Fig.1, which means that the automatic measurement was really done with H1 signal unblocked. This confirmed that the code I copied is working well.

Next step: create .xml file for other coils and modify shell code accordingly.

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