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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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MarcEisenmann - 19:36, Friday 11 March 2022 (2869)Get code to link to this report
Shinkosha7 absorption measurements restarted

Today I reinstalled the reference samples and checked the proper positions.

With the surface sample I got the crossing point at z = 35 mm (maximizes AC) and z_IU = 68 mm (maximizes AC/DC).

I measured R_surface = 16.91/W and R_bulk = 0.6212 cm/W.

I installed back SHINKOSHA 7 and did a long z scan.

In the attached figure you can see the comparison between various signals for the previous long z scan (red) and current situation (black) taken at the mirror X and Y centers.

Note that the z axis has been shifted for the red using the surfaces signal and then interpolated to the new measurement (step size of 0.05 mm instead of 0.1 mm).

As expected, the absorption is larger now and it seems that we have something like at least a factor 1.4 increase.

However, I was expecting to see a somehow constant increase but this is not the case..

I started a XY absorption measurement at the mirror center (ie X = 399.08mm, Y = 122.175 mm and Z = 71.625 mm)

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Comments related to this report
MarcEisenmann - 13:45, Monday 14 March 2022 (2870)

We finished the first 3 measurements taken at the same positions as in Caltech ie at the mirror center, 10 mm after the first surface and 10 mm before the second one.

The results are attached to this entry and compatible with their measurements (and therefore also with Manuel's ones).

So we started absorption measurements in between these positions to get more data for the integrated map along z.

SimonZeidler - 10:50, Wednesday 16 March 2022 (2874)

Great achievement, Thank you!

Once the new data are ready, we can finish up the paper smiley

MarcEisenmann - 11:10, Wednesday 16 March 2022 (2875)

Thank you!

I also finished the last 2 measurements in between the 3 previous measurements that are attached to this entry.