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YuhangZhao - 15:20, Friday 25 March 2022 (2899)Get code to link to this report
Mode matching from BAB to AMC after optimizing BAB matching to OPO

I optimized mode matching from BAB to OPO yesterday, as reported in elog2896. In this elog, I suspected that the BAB OPO transmission may dependend on the alignment condition of BAB to OPO. To check this BAB OPO transmission, we can utilize AMC, which is a reference we have for both LO and squeezing (BAB OPO transmission represents squeezing since they are both resonant inside OPO).

The setting for BAB resonant inside OPO is: OPO temperature 7.164, p-pol PLL frequency 300MHz (60MHz is sent to ADF4002 from the second channel CH1 of AD9959). The lock of OPO was not just flicking a switch as usual, which has already been reported to Pierre and we are waiting for his help. Now the lock of OPO is done by firstly manually moving high voltage driver offset to make OPO on resonance. Secondly, put servo operation mode to 'MAN & LOCK'. Finally, flipping SIGN switch to trigger servo lock. Make sure the loop sign is 'INV' but not 'NON INV'.

After optimizing just alignment of BAB OPO transmission to AMC, I got a mode matching of 98.5%. The check of AMC transmission PD signal while PZT scanned is shown in figure 1, 2, 3, and 4. The 98.5% matching is calculated from these figures.

We should note that the higher order mode position is very different from a characterization done last time in elog1867. Also, at that moment, the BAB OPO tranmission matching to AMC is about 99.6%.

Images attached to this report
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Comments related to this report
YuhangZhao - 19:16, Friday 25 March 2022 (2901)

It was found that the BAB OPO transmission passes through a mirror and a lens close by their edge. So I moved position of mirrors and lens to center them better. After this work, the mode matching from OPO to AMC didn't change.

YuhangZhao - 01:23, Friday 08 April 2022 (2917)

Michael and Yuhang

We found the new way of fixing lens causes the problem of BAB OPO transmission to drift. This is the second lens we have in the transmission of OPO along the FIS measurement path. So we need to find a new way to fix this lens.

Now we put it on a pedestal pillar. After doing so, a large portion of p-polarization appears. Before removing this p-pol, it composes of ~5% of total power. However, we found that we could convert p-polarization completely to s-polarization by tilting HWP.