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YuhangZhao - 13:56, Wednesday 13 April 2022 (2926)Get code to link to this report
Squeezing level and CC2 signal pk-pk as a function of CC2 demodulation phase

Michael and Yuhang

As suggested by Matteo, we took squeezing level and CC2 signal magnitude as a function of CC2 demodulation phase.

They are both normalized, either by shot noise level or CC2 signal without pump.

Fig 1 is squeezing measurements at different CC2 demodulation phase. The phase is changed as linspace(0, 180, 19). It is not understood why sometimes some peaks appear around 5-20kHz.

Fig 2 is squeezing and CC2 signal magnitude as a function of CC2 demodulation phase.

Images attached to this report
2926_20220413065703_figure3.png 2926_20220413065708_figure4.png
Comments related to this report
NaokiAritomi - 17:10, Wednesday 13 April 2022 (2927)

Similar measurement was done in elog2646. In this measurement, the minimum(maximum) CC2 amplitude did not correspond to squeezing(anti-squeezing) quadrature.