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MichaelPage - 21:03, Wednesday 13 April 2022 (2928)Get code to link to this report
TAMA DGS upgrade - frontend PC installation

Yuhang and Michael

We went through the instructions outlined in T2012111, for installing the Debian 10 operating system on the frontend computer for the central station. As described in 2905, this overrides the previous OS installations on the frontend computer. We have a list of errors/ambiguities in the installation procedure which will be sent to Takahiro Yamamoto.

1.1 OS installation
OS was installed in English. Actually I have tried installing Japanese input packages on my Debian 10 workstation in the past and found it extremely poorly documented, so I didn't even bother with that and will just ask Yamamoto-san.

1.2 Additional packages
No issues. We used 1.0.6 version of cdssoft on the ALIGO Caltech repository. Python and Python3 are called separately, just to let it be known (Python version is 2.7.12, Python3 version is 3.7.3)

1.3 OS settings
As mentioned previously, there was an issue with mounting network locations in the /etc/fstb file. We did not follow through with the rest of the instructions since they all seem to be tied to things appearing in the /users/ directory that was created. I feel like there is also some abiguity in the instructions on where these mount directories should be created. I created them inside /etc/, but maybe I should try again just starting at /.

1.4 Bash settings
No issues. Should mention for clarity that .bashrc is a hidden file located in /home/controls.

1.5 miniconda3 installation
We did not follow through with the last step since it seems the conda command doesn't work. In the first step here, a symbolic link is created between /home/controls and a folder that should be created in /users/DGS..., but nothing is present inside the /users/ folder right now.

1.6 ssh settings
No issues

1.7 NTP settings
No issues

1.8 Vinagre setting
No issues

1.9 Guardian setting
We were not sure where the bugfix is supposed to be applied. But upon looking again there is the blue line at the top that indicates which file is changed, so I will check again before sending my questions to Yamamoto-san.

1.10 Camera settings
The procedure says "camera code itself is old version" but I'm not sure what it is referring to or even if anything is installed.

1.11 SDF settings
I guess the blue line at the top indicates which files should be changed. We haven't tried yet.

1.12 z command
No issues

1.13 Zoom setting
No issues

1.14 Skippy-XD installation
We weren't sure what counts as the "1st PC".