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NaokiAritomi - 19:03, Thursday 14 April 2022 (2929)Get code to link to this report
input/end chamber evacuation

[Aritomi, Michael]

We started the evacuation of input/end chambers. After evacuation with a rotary pump, we opened small gate valves close to input/end chambers. The current pressure of end chamber and arm are 3.7e-4 mbar and 3.4e-8 mbar, respectively. The current pressure of input chamber and arm are 4.1e-4 mbar and 3.1e-8 mbar, respectively. We will open small gate valves close to arm, and large gate valves between input/end and arm next week.

Comments related to this report
NaokiAritomi - 14:34, Monday 18 April 2022 (2930)

I opened the gate valves between input/end and arm. Before I opened the gate valve between input/arm, the pressure of input and arm were 1.2e-6 mbar and 3.7e-8 mbar, respectively. After I opened the gate valve, both of them became 1e-6 mbar. Before I opened the gate valve between end/arm, the pressure of end and arm were 2e-7 mbar and 1.5e-7 mbar, respectively. After I opened the gate valve between end/arm, the pressure of end and arm became 4e-7 mbar and 5.4e-7 mbar, respectively.