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NAOJ GW Elog Logbook
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MichaelPage - 01:32, Wednesday 15 June 2022 (2977)Get code to link to this report
Mirror mount replacement along SHG path

Yuhang and Michael

We replaced the mirror mount for the beam splitter that goes into the SHG. The new mirror mount is much smaller, allowing us to more easily remove ghost beams and scattered light from the squeezer bench.

The beam splitter was replaced by roughly using an iris, SHG opening and GRMC EOM as beam position references. First, the beam splitter was moved by hand to align to the references. Fine tuning allowed us to recover the SHG mode matching to slightly better than the previous alignment condition.

Reference SHG alignment is shown in figure 1 and 2. BS model number is in figure 3. The mirror mount type is shown in figure 4.

Images attached to this report
2977_20220614183040_20220614172255.jpg 2977_20220614183044_20220614172246.jpg 2977_20220614183048_20220614191246.jpg 2977_20220614183155_20220614172204.jpg
Comments related to this report
YuhangZhao - 16:47, Monday 20 June 2022 (2984)

A proper beam dump thorlabs LB2 (1um - 12um) is installed for the newly replaced BS mount (as shown in Fig.1).

Although we can see some green light, let's remind that it is because the camera sensor is more sensitive to green as our eye. There are proper Dichroic mirrors to remove them.