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TatsukiWashimi - 13:09, Wednesday 22 June 2022 (2989)Get code to link to this report
Seismic and Acoustic measurement at TAMA FC

We brought the PEM sensors from KAGRA to TAMA temporally.
* Trillium compact seismometer and its cable
* Whitening filter with DC power supply and D-sub 15pin cable
* ACO microphone, ACO 4ch power supply, and BNC cable
* 3-axis accelerometer and its cable

We connected the seismometer and the microphone to the ADC ports.
* K1:FDS-ADCspear_1_OUT_DQ -> Low frequency microphone
* K1:FDS-END_in_HOR_fil_IN1 -> Seismometer East-West
* K1:FDS-END_in_SUM_fil_IN1 -> Seismometer North-South
* K1:FDS-END_in_LEN_fil_IN1 -> Seismometer Vertical

The attached plots are seismic and acoustic data.
The units are "count", not calibrated to um/s more Pa.
Images attached to this report
2989_20220622060816_dsc1689.jpg 2989_20220622060821_dsc1690.jpg 2989_20220622060827_dsc1692.jpg 2989_20220622060852_screenshotfrom20220622110048.png
Comments related to this report
TatsukiWashimi - 17:30, Thursday 23 June 2022 (2993)
I compared the seismic data and the microphone data, with KAGRA at the same time.
Seismic data of KAGRA is under OMC chamber and the microphone is in the IMC refl.

The large peak at one-handed several-tens Hz of the seismic data is the self-noise. (data sheet)
TatsukiWashimi - 09:44, Monday 27 June 2022 (2998)
I monitored the seismic level at TAMA this weekend.

Below 1Hz, microseismic band, the ASD is large on Saturday night. It is consistent with the ocean wave.
At around 3Hz, the ASD is large on Saturday night and Monday morning, and small on Sunday.
Between 10 Hz and 20Hz, the ASD is large on Monday Morning.
Around 30 Hz, sometimes strange bumps are observed.