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KAGRA MIR (Scattering)
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MarcEisenmann - 21:36, Friday 01 July 2022 (3009)Get code to link to this report
Setup of NIR camera

In order to measure scattering at 1064 nm, I borrowed the camera foreseen to replace the camera in transmission of the END mirror (bassler acA-2040-25gmNIR)

I found the camera but could not find its power supply nor its lens so I used the POE ethernet connection and a lens of a spare/broken (?) camera nearby the first target.

I connected it to the new dgs switch for the camera server + ethernet connection for the front end and data concentrator pc.

The camera got really hot so I checked the power delivery of the POE which seemed fine (2W provided below the 3.1 W limit).

To made this check I connected my laptop to the switch and tweaked a bit the switch password and IP address.

However, because my windows is in japanese I could not tune too much the requirement on 'jumbo packet' so we will have to finalize this with japanese people.

I set a static IP address for the camera and could see the camera image on pylon software.

However, it seems that the 1064nm efficiency is really low so I'm not sure how well we will be able to see scattering.

I will do this test when AZTEC #3 birefringence measurement is finished.

Comments related to this report
MarcEisenmann - 18:38, Tuesday 05 July 2022 (3011)

Aritomi, Marc, Yuhang

We installed the camera on the PCI setup.

We changed its IP address, installed the Pylon software on the FC pc and can now access it.

Tuning a bit the gamma correction, exposure time and gain of the camera we could not see any IR beam on the mirror.

We will try again later on with a not moving mirror.