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NAOJ GW Elog Logbook
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KoheiMitsuhashi - 21:55, Monday 29 August 2022 (3057)Get code to link to this report
measured gaussian beam radius

What I did : I measured gaussian beam radius and fited beam propagation using beam profiler and Python.

Why I did: trying for Pound-Drever-Hall method.

Experiments: I set up the following in a attached picture.

Result:The result of fitting is also in a attached picture.

Conclusion: I could have measured the beam radius.

Images attached to this report
3057_20220829144440_beampropagation.png 3057_20220829151751_setup.png
Comments related to this report
YoheiNishino - 14:05, Tuesday 13 September 2022 (3063)

Sorry for my late reply.

It's better to leave the actual value of beam radius [mm] with an error.