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MarcEisenmann - 15:04, Thursday 01 September 2022 (3058)Get code to link to this report
DDS reset and broken input oplev laser

Aritomi, Marc, Michael, Yuhang

We reset the DDS rack, restarted the control PC and reloaded all configurations.

We checked input oplev and found that the laser output was really low (sum read by PSD was about 150 counts while usual value is about 5000).

We replaced the laser head by a new one and could reach up to 7000 counts.

To avoid the saturation, we tried to reduce the laser power, but we couldn't tune the laser power at all...

In any case, we installed 2 OD1 and could reach about 5000 counts on the PSD sum.

Comments related to this report
EleonoraCapocasa - 04:11, Wednesday 07 September 2022 (3059)

Despite the fact that they have a power knob, the laser model that we use for oplev don't allow to tune the output power.