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NAOJ GW Elog Logbook
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RyutaroTakahashi - 13:37, Tuesday 07 March 2023 (3194)Get code to link to this report
Investigation of the suspension in the west end.

[Takahashi, Marc, Rishabh]

We opened the chamber to investigate the suspension in the west end.

  • All actuator magnets are still on the mirror.
  • There is no rubbing point.
  • The pitch-yaw motion of the mirror with the picomotors looks fine.
  • We found that the OpLev beam hits the cables for the actuator coils. We treated the cables so as to avoid the beam.
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Comments related to this report
MarcEisenmann - 21:09, Tuesday 07 March 2023 (3195)

We found that the issue of not being able to move END yaw is similar as in elog 2995, namely the sign of H3 is flipped...

Also, we now have about 2mm range for the pitch picomotor in one direction but it should be enough for our offload.