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NAOJ GW Elog Logbook
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KAGRA MIR (Polarization)
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MarcEisenmann - 11:55, Tuesday 02 May 2023 (3245)Get code to link to this report
PCI clean room cleaning towards birefringence measurement

[Marc, Shalika]

Following the several months with the too large scattering box, the wall of the PCI clean room are quite damaged...

We should definitely replace them.

We removed the box and several of the optics used for the scattering measurement.

Because of the damaged wall, the 'clean room' was quite dirty and we spent some time cleaning it up.

We install a new shelf in front of the PCI clean room entrance to store the scattering components

Comments related to this report
MarcEisenmann - 14:39, Thursday 11 May 2023 (3247)

[Marc, Takahashi, Yoshizumi]

We removed the failling tape and replaced them with plastic ones.

The pre-clean room and clean room wall are now repaired.