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NAOJ GW Elog Logbook
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ShalikaSingh - 20:36, Monday 22 January 2024 (3410)Get code to link to this report
Beam waist of LIGHTWAVE 126 series laser

The beam waist of laser was measured at 11.3 mW and 101 mW of power.

A plano convex lens(f=50mm) was placed at around 100mm after the laser shutter. The evolution of beam size (after the lens) depending on the position was measured. The corresponding plots are here. 

1. P =11.3 mW plot

2. P = 101 mW plot

The beam waist is found to be same for 11mW and 101mW power and is at [56.3,57.5 ± 0.003,0.004] mm for the major and minor axis respectively.

The major and minor axis respectively are [76.5,88.5 ± 3E-6,6E-6] µm at waist