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ShalikaSingh - 23:45, Thursday 01 February 2024 (3427)Get code to link to this report
Polarization generation and other optimizations

[Shalika, Marc]

I had placed the HWP and QWP before Faraday Isolator previously. We removed it and now the FI is directly after the Laser. The FI transmission was optimised by tuning the polarizers to give max power output. 

Actually, we also observed that while tuning isolation, we were not having power more than 0.6mW in transmission of FI, although the incident power was 40mW. It seems that FI was not optimally mounted for the vertical polarisation of our laser. So, we rotated the FI by 90deg, correctly mounted it, and then optimised transmission in forward alignment. We didn't measure the isolation ratio again. Previous tunings had shown that it was around 40-55dB.

We placed BST11 in the steering path of LC. The high reflectance was replaced with this. The reflection of 70% goes to LC and transmission of 30% is used to monitor the input laser power + fluctuations.

Because of change of mirror with the beam sampler the beam path was modified to reach the camera. 

After proper optimisation, the QWP, HWP and input polarizer before LC was optimized to have linearly polarized light, of azimuth and ellipticity of 0+/- 0.01 deg.

The two LC were placed in series, and are now undergoing voltage scan from 0 to 25V with 5mV step size, at a temperature of 30degC.

data is here: C:\Users\atama\OneDrive\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\Polarization states\2024021\Thu, Feb 1, 2024 5-22-37 PM.txt

Comments related to this report
ShalikaSingh - 23:47, Thursday 01 February 2024 (3428)

We came to know from Aso san that any optics which have AR coating is harmful for laser when kept directly and musn't be kept infront of laser without Faraday isolator being placed first. That's why the QWP and HWP were removed.

ShalikaSingh - 20:02, Thursday 08 February 2024 (3433)

The settings were changed. 

Today the voltage of second LC was 13.215V. I stopped the measurement and changed the voltage resolution of both LC to be 10mV.

Restarted the measurement again, with LC1 from 0 to 25V and LC 2 from 13.22 to 25V. 

The resolution was too fine and it would take more than 2 weeks to finish the measurements. Hence, changed resolution for higher voltages. 

The file where data is being saved is same as before. 

ShalikaSingh - 07:24, Tuesday 13 February 2024 (3436)

Measurement finished. 

See images for azimuthellipticity with respect to both LC voltage and, generated polarization states