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NAOJ GW Elog Logbook
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R&D (Cryogenic)
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RishabhBajpai - 20:16, Wednesday 20 March 2024 (3485)Get code to link to this report
He Recharge

[Tomaru, Rishabh]

Date: 2024/03/19

We tried to recharge the compressor with G1 Helium in the ATC lab. For this work, we used the flexible line brought from KEK. Since there was no adapter to evacuate the flexible line, we just purged it with helium before connecting it to the compressor's recharge port. After connecting the line, we tried to recharge the compressor but found the reading on the regulator fell to 0. We realized the regulator is only rated for 0-3kgf/cm^2, an order smaller than we need. So, we requested Node-san in KEK to send a 2-3MPa regulator to NAOJ. We will use it to recharge the compressor and purchase a new one in the next fiscal year.

Since there was no chain, the He tank was tied to a white rack using a crane belt for safety. Also, random items stored around the cryogenic optical table and DAQ rack were moved around for this work and left that way. They shouldn't be in anyones way. I want to clean up/move unused so they are not in the way.

Comments related to this report
RishabhBajpai - 12:06, Tuesday 26 March 2024 (3488)

[Tomaru, Rishabh]

The regulator from KEK was delivered, so we recharged the compressor to 16.6 bar. I will monitor the pressure for a week and have a cool-down test around mid-April.

RishabhBajpai - 11:52, Thursday 28 March 2024 (3491)

I checked the He pressure today and did not notice any change. I will add a mark for future reference.