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NAOJ GW Elog Logbook
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R&D (Cryogenic)
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RishabhBajpai - 09:07, Wednesday 17 April 2024 (3529)Get code to link to this report
Vacuum Pumping

I turned on the scroll pump today for chamber evacuation. I did not notice any issue with the scroll pump operation.

  • Turned on Scroll Pump at 8:03
  • Opened right angle valve between TMP and scroll pump at 8:08
  • Opened gate valve between chamber and TMP at 8:15 (fully open at 8:18)
  • Turned on Vacuum guage at 8:23 (The pressure was 3.75*10Pa)
Comments related to this report
RishabhBajpai - 13:49, Wednesday 17 April 2024 (3533)

I turned on the TMP at 12:54. The pressure at that time was 3.58*101 Pa.

The pressure at 13:05 was 8.1*10-2 Pa.

I will continue pumping for a while (until Monday).

Note: The TMP is in "local" mode and can only  be operated using the front control panel.

RishabhBajpai - 08:29, Monday 22 April 2024 (3535)

The pressure at 8:00 was 4.7*10-4 Pa. Looking at previous logs, the final pressure is consistent with past values.

I plan to start cooling on Thursday.

I also checked the valves for water supply to compressor are open. So I might not have to worry about cleaning up the water lines. I heard the water is supplied by ATC, but do I need to turn on the water chiller?