Warning: Undefined variable $s in /var/www/public_html/osl/classes/DAO.php on line 959
NAOJ GW Elog Logbook
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ShalikaSingh - 08:24, Sunday 26 May 2024 (3564)Get code to link to this report
Optimization of Jones Matrix

Added power factor of sqrt(Output power/ Input Power) in jones vector. This is to take account the power getting halved after BS

Comments related to this report
ShalikaSingh - 17:23, Sunday 26 May 2024 (3565)

after this the jones matrix of mirror is not [1,0][0,-1] anymore. the 1's have changed to 0.8 ish. 

ShalikaSingh - 09:19, Monday 27 May 2024 (3567)

The birefringence properties remained same. Comes from the fact that we do J/Co