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ShalikaSingh - 21:54, Wednesday 29 May 2024 (3580)Get code to link to this report
Stability Check of Setup

We are now just saving some data at 10 seconds interval for about an hour, to see 

1. size of file generated (to understand what should be the wait time inlabview to have reasonable file size with same measurement continued for 1 day)

2. see how much deviation can the setup have if nothing is changing.

The camera is in transmission after BS.

foldername=C:\Users\atama\OneDrive\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\Stability Check

The wait time is 10s and averaging is off

filename = Wed, May 29, 2024 9-47-22 PM.txt

Comments related to this report
ShalikaSingh - 08:39, Thursday 30 May 2024 (3581)

After an hour(ish) there was 460 points. 

So, I have increased the wait time to 30s and had started measurment for long term yesterday

filename: C:\Users\atama\OneDrive\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\Stability Check\Wed, May 29, 2024 11-25-51 PM.txt


Also, for some time I have noticed an isssue with Labview on Bigfoot PC. It closes automatically on its own. I don't know if something is crashing but this is happening even when there is no windows update. But, has been happening more since last windows update. Unsure if its due to some bug. 

ShalikaSingh - 08:21, Friday 31 May 2024 (3582)

Tried to resolve labview crash/disappearing issue by

1. Tools>> Advanced>>Clear Compiled Object Cache

2. Windows Update

3. Added exclusion in windows defender for .vi programs