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EleonoraCapocasa - 13:08, Saturday 18 March 2017 (421)Get code to link to this report
Status of magnets and stand-off of PR telescope mirror

This morning I went to check the status of the magnets and stand-off we glued on thursday on the telescope mirror. 

While removing the jigs, a stand-off came off. We probably put to much glue on it and it overflowed a bit on the support causing the stand-off to remain attached to the support.

After removing it, I have cleaned the mirror and the support and glued it again paying more attention to avoid overflow.

Matteo gently touched the other 3 stand-offs and they seem to be well glued. We did not touch the magnets but they also look good.

Some pictures taken by Matteo are attached.

A special thank to Yuefan who woke up at 10 a.m. to prepare the glue!

Images attached to this report
421_20170318050525_img0823.jpg 421_20170318050602_img0830.jpg 421_20170318050613_img0829.jpg 421_20170318050722_img0820.jpg
Comments related to this report
EleonoraCapocasa - 10:12, Monday 20 March 2017 (422)

This morning I have removed the support of the standoff glued on saturday. This time it has remained attached to the mirror and it looks ok.