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YuefanGuo - 15:59, Wednesday 05 April 2017 (442)Get code to link to this report
Finish the design of telescope on infrared path
With Matteo's correction, I found out I made some mistakes in the dimension of the final beam size we need on the 2 inch mirror and the FI.

The right dimension should be about 1mm when it arrives at the 2 inch mirror and a little bit larger like around 1.4mm at the FI, so the beam waist should almost at the mirror.

With these new conditions, I found some combination, chose the best one in the size and position, and check the position of the lens not overlap the mirror position we already mounted on the bench. The result shows as below.

The origin is set at the front surface of the BS mirror as I mentioned in my last entry.

L1: z=48.5cm f=500mm(already mounted)
L2: z=173.5cm f=300mm
L3: z=236cm f=350mm

With these lens, the final beam size at the FI is 1.368mm and the size of the beam waist is 0.97mm at the position of 648.57cm with the mirror's position at 648.15cm.

Also check again with JamMT, it shows the same result with the calculation.
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