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YuefanGuo - 17:13, Friday 07 April 2017 (444)Get code to link to this report
Try to send the video signal from the end room to the central room
I tried to find a way to send the video signal from the camera at 290m to the central room.

Firstly, I tried the optical fiber used to send the PD signal,connected it to the camera at the end room, and connected it to the screen in the central room. There is only some flash when I turned on and off the receiver, but seems not capable to get the real signal from the camera.

Then we found out there is another system like a recorder that can be used. I plugged the recorder with the camera and the output to the screen at the end room. It works pretty well. And also there is a sticker with an IP address on it. We found the right internet cable for it, and tried to connected it with the computer in the center room. We successfully connected it, but cannot see the video signal.

Then we checked the old TAMA board which can convert the video into optical signal, send through the fiber and there is another this kind of board in the central room to convert it back, then connect to the screen, then we should see the video on the screen. At first, we tried with the cable 1-13 and 1-14, but we are not able to see anything from the screen. Then we tried to change the cable into 1-15 and 1-16, then we got the video in the central room.

The first picture is taken on the screen near the camera at 290m, the second picture is taken in the screen in the central room, both taken by my phone. It seems there are some loss during the signal transmission. Then we adjust the camera's position and also the focal lengths, and inject the red light into the arm, the third and the forth pictures are taken at 290m and central room.

The fifth picture is the board we are using now.
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