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YuefanGuo - 17:02, Friday 08 September 2017 (555)Get code to link to this report
Driving matrix problems
We tried again to change the driving matrix of the PR and input mirror, but there are several problems now.

1. Taking the PR as an example, magnets 1 and 3 for pitch, 2 and 4 for yaw, we checked this by sending noise to each magnet. Also with the same method, we made sure that the magnet we lost is the 3rd one. The original driving matrix for yaw is [0,1,0,-1], the four numbers are the voltage send to 1~4 magnets, which means when we try to move yaw, we don't send any voltage to the magnets for pitch. So even we lost the 3rd magnets, when we send noise to yaw, we should not see the coherence in pitch we can see now.

2. When I tried to change the matrix from [0,1,0,-1] to [0,1,0.1,-1], the coherence should not change since we lost the 3rd magnet, but now it changes.

This situation now make me really confused, so I am not sure how should I change the matrix, so I just did some random try. The picture shows the least coherence I can get when sending noise through yaw.
Comments related to this report
YuefanGuo - 17:36, Wednesday 13 September 2017 (559)