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NAOJ GW Elog Logbook
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AkihiroTomura, MatteoLeonardi - 16:35, Wednesday 03 January 2018 (620)Get code to link to this report
Characteristics of SHG control loop with a new servo

Open-loop transfer function

On 12/21, we measured open-loop transfer function of SHG control, because a new servo was designed and installed by Matteo Leonardi. For the previous situation, please refer to an entry 585.Fig.1 shows open loop transfer function of the SHG control. We have three switches on the new servo, each of them is corresponding to a different integrator. Measurements were conducted for three combinations of these integrators. Noise level inserted were different depending on the conditions in order to keep the cavity being locked. PZT resonance point is located aroun 25 kHz. Unity gain frequency is shown on each graph by a black line (770 Hz, 1380 Hz, and 1610 Hz). You can see a high phase margin (approx. 90 degree) when the mid integrator ON.

We also measured power spectra of an error signal on the loop and DC signal from the photo detector which is monitoring transimitted light from the SHG (Fig.2). You can see a spike around 600 Hz. I am not sure what it means.

All spectra were taken by Agilent 36540A.

Output power stability

Fig.3 shows a long term (1000 second) stability of the SHG output. Stability of the SHG is much better than before. In this moment, we do not find a large fluctuation in the SHG output (532 nm) as we did so far.

Comments related to this report
AkihiroTomura - 16:43, Wednesday 03 January 2018 (621)

Figures were missed in the entry. They are shown here.