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NAOJ GW Elog Logbook
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AkihiroTomura, YuhangZhao - 13:41, Tuesday 16 January 2018 (627)Get code to link to this report
SHG characterization
We measured the output power of SHG (green) with respect to the LiNb temperature and the input power (IR). A figure attached shows a result. The x-axis of the right graph remains to be converted to actual temperatures (we don't know the name of the thermistor we are using at this moment).
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Comments related to this report
AkihiroTomura - 11:07, Wednesday 31 January 2018 (647)
I did the SHG output power vs input power measurement again. I used HWP and FI pair after the main laser to change the input power in order not to get mode-hops. During the measurement, the current value of the main laser was 2.004 A. The SHG crystal temerature was 3.170 kOhm.