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YuhangZhao,AkihiroTomura,YuefanGuo - 02:17, Tuesday 30 January 2018 (645)Get code to link to this report
SHG characterization

Thanks to thermistor data sheet from yuefan and the data tomura-san and I took(see e-log 627). I finished the SHG characterization work.

Since the data sheet doesn't give us a formula but only a few points, I use them to make a cubic interpolate. Then I use the interpolation data to make the plot so that you can see the relationship between crystal temperature and Laser power.

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Comments related to this report
MatteoLeonardi - 16:14, Wednesday 31 January 2018 (648)

The NTC used seems to be SEMITEC 103JT-050.
According to the datasheet, the R25 = 10kΩ ± 1% and B = 3435K ± 1% (note that this value is correct only between 25deg to 85deg Celsius).

YuhangZhao - 16:50, Monday 05 February 2018 (652)
Yuefan told me that it is not SEMITEC 103JT-050, but SEMITEC 103JT-025. Their difference is only the shape.