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NAOJ GW Elog Logbook
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YuhangZhao - 18:40, Thursday 08 March 2018 (690)Get code to link to this report
Green and Infrared error signal
Today I finished the measurement of green and infrared error signal. The delay is because of the inappropriate use of spectrum analyzer. So notice to use the unit of V/sqrtHz next time. Now we have solved this problem. I attached the result here.

I also attach the txt file here. It has not been calibrated yet. The calibration factor I used here is 2.6e-3 V/Hz(for green), 170Hz/V(for infrared).
Images attached to this report
690_20180308103942_errorsignal.png 690_20180308112624_greenrms.png 690_20180309062749_infrarederrorright.png
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