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SimonZeidler - 17:27, Friday 10 April 2015 (71)Get code to link to this report
Calculations on the up-conversion of PRM, BS, and SRM mirrors

I found the error in my calculation which was actually not really an error but a non sufficient precision of the calculation software. I made the calculations again using Mathematica with higher precision.
The results can be seen in the attached graphs. I uploaded  the results for each mirror and type of vibration (horizontal/vertical).

Images attached to this report
71_20150410102703_1.jpg 71_20150410102708_2.jpg 71_20150410102714_3.jpg 71_20150410102718_4.jpg 71_20150410102723_5.jpg 71_20150410102727_6.jpg
Comments related to this report
SimonZeidler - 18:07, Friday 10 April 2015 (72)

As Akutsu-san pointed me to this, I should add that the strange curve of PRM(horizontal) is maybe due to the high peak of its transfered vibration noise at around 0.5Hz.
It seems that I first have to dump this peak to become a more realistic result...