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NAOJ GW Elog Logbook
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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 01:11, Tuesday 17 April 2018 (745)Get code to link to this report
Ratio between LMA and NAOJ absorption map of the small sample

I calculated the ratio between the absorption measured at LMA and at NAOJ.
Since the maps were not exactly overlapping, the ratio showed the same structure of the absorption maps.
This is because the center of the mirror in the two systems has some mismatch.
To find the best overlap of the maps, I calculated the ratio in a loop where at each iteration the two maps were shifted with respect to each other.
I calculated the standard deviation of the ratio map and I found a minimum of the standard deviation for a shift of 0.6mm along X and -0.6mm along Y

the ratio is 3.0 +/- 0.8 (average and std on the map)

I plot  also a histogram of the ratio

Images attached to this report
745_20180416180833_ratiomap.png 745_20180416181107_smallcircular.png 745_20180416181132_smalllma.png 745_20180418103835_ratiomaphistogram.png